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Magnetic Attitude Control for Spacecraft with Flexible Appendages

Posted on:2013-01-02Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Stellini, Julian PierreFull Text:PDF
The design of an attitude control system for a flexible spacecraft using magnetic actuation is considered. The nonlinear, linear, and modal equations of motion are developed for a general flexible body. Magnetic control is shown to be instantaneously underactuated, and is only controllable in the time-varying sense. A PD-like control scheme is proposed to address the attitude control problem for the linear system. Control gain limitations are shown to exist for the purely magnetic control. A hybrid control scheme is also proposed that relaxes these restrictions by adding a minimum control effort from an alternate three-axis actuation system. Floquet and passivity theory are used to obtain gain selection criteria that ensure a stable closed-loop system, which would aid in the design of a hybrid controller for a flexible spacecraft. The ability of the linearized system to predict the stability of the corresponding nonlinear system is also investigated.
Keywords/Search Tags:Flexible, Attitude control, Spacecraft, System, Magnetic
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