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Wind energy potential on the northeastern island territories in Venezuela considering uncertainties

Posted on:2017-04-17Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:The Florida State UniversityCandidate:Vasquez Maldonado, Paola GabrielaFull Text:PDF
Wind energy has become one of the most important and thriving renewable energy resources in the world. Transforming the kinetic energy of wind into electric power is more environmentally friendly than traditional processes such as the combustion of fossil fuels. It provides independence from the limited fossil fuels reserves by using an unlimited resource. In order to develop a wind power facility, it is important to develop an initial wind resource assessment to guarantee the selected site will be profitable in terms of electric energy output. Several countries lack developed wind atlases that indicate a rough estimate of wind resource in their territories, which is an obstacle for inexpensive wind resource evaluations. In order to perform site evaluations generally an anemometer must be put in place to take wind measurements. This process is costly and time consuming since at least a year of data must be observed. The quality of wind resource depends on several geographic and atmospheric characteristics such as: air density, site location, site topography, wind speed and direction. This study was conducted to provide an initial wind resource assessment on three locations in Venezuela which do not have previous evaluations: Cerro Copey, Punta de Piedras and Los Roques. The assessment was done remotely based on the national meteorological service meteorological observations; wind resource and turbine power output uncertainties were taken into account. The wind assessment was done through Monte Carlo simulations mathematically considering several uncertainties with emphasis on surface roughness for vertical extrapolation. The results exhibit wind energy potential of the three sites and a throughout wind resource characterization of the site with the most potential: Cerro Copey.
Keywords/Search Tags:Energy, Resource, Cerro copey, Uncertainties, Assessment was done
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