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Hallowell, Maine: The historical landscape of a northern New England village

Posted on:2006-12-16Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Ohio UniversityCandidate:Pelletier, Janet MFull Text:PDF
This study aims to more fully understand early settlement and growth in northern New England through an analysis of the historical geography of Hallowell, Maine. Located at the head of navigation on the Kennebec River, Hallowell played a significant role in Maine's development due especially to its location along the Kennebec River and its function as an important early trans-shipment node. Due in large part to its optimal location along a major waterway, Hallowell circumstantially benefited from early trade in the region. Hallowell's rich history is punctuated by substantial early economic growth and success, followed later by setbacks leading to economic decline and a loss of regional economic significance. The first 200 years of Hallowell's history has been rather well documented, but its later history has heretofore not been adequately studied. This thesis addresses how Hallowell was first settled and flourished, and what grew out of the decline in Hallowell's initial prosperity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hallowell
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