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Exploring dynamic events in the solar corona

Posted on:2012-11-02Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Hawai'i at ManoaCandidate:Downs, Cooper JamesFull Text:PDF
With the advent of modern computational technology it is now becoming the norm to employ detailed 3D computer models as empirical tools that directly account for the inhomogeneous nature of the Sun-Heliosphere environment. The key advantage of this approach lies in the ability to compare model results directly to observational data and to use a successful comparison (or lack thereof) to glean information on the underlying physical processes. Using extreme ultraviolet waves (EUV waves) as the overarching scientific driver, we apply this observation modeling approach to study the complex dynamics of the magnetic and thermodynamic structures that are observed in the low solar corona. Representing a highly non-trivial effort, this work includes three main scientific thrusts: an initial modeling effort and two EUV wave case-studies.;First we document the development of the new Low Corona (LC) model, a 3D time-dependent thermodynamic magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model implemented within the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF). Observation synthesis methods are integrated within the LC model, which provides the ability to compare model results directly to EUV imaging observations taken by spacecraft. The new model is then used to explore the dynamic interplay between magnetic structures and thermodynamic energy balance in the corona that is caused by coronal heating mechanisms.;With the model development complete, we investigate the nature of EUV waves in detail through two case-studies. Starting with the 2008 March 25 event, we conduct a series of numerical simulations that independently vary fundamental parameters thought to govern the physical mechanisms behind EUV waves. Through the subsequent analysis of the 3D data and comparison to observations we find evidence for both wave and non-wave mechanisms contributing to the EUV wave signal.;We conclude with a comprehensive observation and modeling analysis of the 2010 June 13 EUV wave event, which was observed by the recently launched Solar Dynamics Observatory. We use a high resolution simulation of the transient to unambiguously characterize the globally propagating front of EUV wave as a fast-mode magnetosonic wave, and use the rich set of observations to place the many other facets of the EUV transient within a unified scenario involving wave and non-wave components.
Keywords/Search Tags:EUV, Model, Solar, Corona
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