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Une etude de caracterisation de la structure interne d'une halde a steriles par methodes geophysiques (French text)

Posted on:2005-06-29Degree:M.Sc.AType:Thesis
University:Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Campos, DanielFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study is to image the internal structure of a waste rock pile using geophysical methods.; The purpose of the first field program was to evaluate the advantages and limitations of the geophysical methods, to perform a preliminary structural characterization of the rock pile and to evaluate the geophysical properties of the waste rock. The objective of the second field program was to complement the results from the first program and to study the effect of a water infiltration test on the geophysical properties of the waste rock.; Results from the first field program show that it is possible to image the internal structure of the rock pile up to depths of about 5 to 6 meters. Two types of materials were identified: a grey coloured waste rock near the surface and waste rock with visual signs of oxidation at greater depths.; A second field program focused on the effect of climatic variations on the geophysical properties of waste rock. Resistivity and GPR measurements showed the same structural features identified during the first field program.; A water infiltration test coupled with geophysical measurements gave indications on the variations of the waste rock properties due to the water infiltration. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Waste rock, Structure, Water infiltration, Geophysical, Field program
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