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Comparison of partially decoupled and combined methods of path planning and task allocation

Posted on:2005-12-08Degree:M.S.A.EType:Thesis
University:West Virginia UniversityCandidate:Hazelton, Jennifer BethFull Text:PDF
Developing autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) reduces the risks to which soldiers are subjected by enabling the UAVs to make efficient decisions, regardless of the situation. This requires each group of UAVs to be proficient in planning their own paths and assigning tasks in a way that minimizes the total cost of the mission. Two methods are presented for doing this, the partially decoupled approach and the combined approach. After comparing two methods, the partially decoupled approach costs an average of 3.0 meters less than the combined approach, while taking an average of 0.327 seconds longer to complete. This indicates that the partially decoupled method should be chosen if the main concern is the cost of the mission and the combined approach should be chosen if computational time is the main concern.
Keywords/Search Tags:Partially decoupled, Combined, Methods
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