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The learnability and memorability of in-car navigation systems

Posted on:2006-08-17Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Noel, Elliott W. GFull Text:PDF
GTID:2452390008474665Subject:Computer Science
Interest in the development and deployment of in-car navigation systems has grown steadily in recent years. Auto manufacturers, rental companies and third-party vendors are now selling, incorporating and using these devices, which strive to provide services such as orientation and navigation to drivers and passengers. Though they already exist in the market, their penetration is thus far low. If wide-scale adoption is to succeed, these devices must be usable.; This thesis provides evidence that these facets of usability have been ignored, and develops a protocol for evaluating navigation devices. The protocol is used to evaluate a device, identify usability problems, and in turn provide remedies and guidelines.
Keywords/Search Tags:Navigation
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