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Broadband equivalent circuit transformer model

Posted on:2006-10-26Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Shehu, EdvinFull Text:PDF
This thesis presents a complete methodology on broadband equivalent circuit transformer modeling. The operating frequency range of the model is the frequency range that measured admittance matrix is obtained. The operating frequency range of the model developed in this thesis is from power frequency (50-60 Hz) until 1 MHz. Broadband transformer models are used to accurately simulate the transformer behaviour under high frequency signals and also to investigate winding resonance effects. The three major tasks involved in transformer modeling are curve fitting, stability requirements and modeling technique. The fitting algorithm used in this project produces good results for a wide variety of admittance curves. The stability enforcement method developed in this thesis works very well. The model was built by extracting the RLC components from the fitted admittance curves.; The methodology presented in this thesis was successful in generating a broadband equivalent circuit transformer model from a measured admittance matrix as a function of frequency. It generated a stable model that worked well under all the tests it was subjected to.
Keywords/Search Tags:Broadband equivalent circuit transformer, Frequency, Thesis, Measured admittance matrix
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