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Generating a contemporary sustainable landscape

Posted on:2006-10-01Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Bonhomme, Tommy RFull Text:PDF
This thesis explores landscapes and their capacity to affect change in an increasingly technological world. It questions the nature of technology and reflects on the cultural dichotomy existing between organic nature and technological structures in modernity. Specifically, it attempts to counter this physical and perceptual break through the development of new relationships between landscapes and attempts at sustainability. I position sustainable landscapes as a way to critically intervene and restructure our association with technology and the organic landscape, and question whether sustainable power generation, which is a facet of our modern technological identity but yet is dependent on the interaction with organic nature, can act to invigorate that landscape. The architectural/landscape design component of this thesis thus proposes the generation of a contemporary sustainable landscape within LeBreton Flats in Ottawa, Ontario that is defined by a publicly accessible small-scale hydroelectric facility and an associated public park.
Keywords/Search Tags:Landscape, Sustainable
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