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Jet vectoring using steady blowing and suction

Posted on:2006-12-10Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Utah State UniversityCandidate:Bettridge, Matthew WayneFull Text:PDF
An aerodynamic jet vectoring scheme using a combination of blowing and suction near the exit plane of the primary jet was studied. Previous similar studies involving synthetic jet actuators have shown that vectoring is achieved when primary jet fluid is drawn into the suction slot, and that the vectoring force increases with primary jet speed. The vectoring angle and aerodynamic forces of a primary jet were researched as various suction and blowing massflows were forced through auxiliary slots. The primary jet Reynolds number spanned the range between 3150 and 21000. Results showed that once a critical beta was achieved (betacr), vectoring angles were a weak function of beta and Reh, and a linear function of alpha. Results also showed that the geometric parameters of the actuator also can provide significant advantages to jet vectoring and aerodynamic forces.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vectoring, Blowing and suction, Aerodynamic, Primary jet
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