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Teaching tomorrow's designer: The impact of digital technologies on design pedagogy at the foundation level

Posted on:2006-04-09Degree:M.A.L.SType:Thesis
University:State University of New York Empire State CollegeCandidate:Selden, Scott DFull Text:PDF
GTID:2452390008454712Subject:Design and Decorative Arts
The profession of Graphic Communication has a profound impact on how individuals receive information in their daily lives. Advances in technologies at the dawning of a new millennium make the transfer of information vital to such topics as: education, communication, ethics, the arts, and social values. This text will strive to explore the impact on these and other subject relating to education of the graphic design professional of tomorrow. Topics include foundation design, designing with intent, the social artist, the ethics of design, and the future of graphic communication. Exploration of these topics will help to better understand how the design educator must change to become a better teacher to serve the design student of tomorrow.
Keywords/Search Tags:Impact
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