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The design of a rotor blade test facility

Posted on:2006-09-23Degree:M.S.M.EType:Thesis
University:West Virginia UniversityCandidate:Gill, Jason WFull Text:PDF
The Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department has developed a need for test facilities related to rotorcraft, specifically facilities capable of testing scaled rotorcraft models and experimental propellers and rotors. A design was completed to fill these needs.; The design included several factors; aerodynamic conditions during operation, flexibility of application, ease and cost of construction, and safety. The aerodynamic conditions involved in the testing of rotors or propellers in static conditions were investigated. Other testing involving downwash impingement on wings was considered and incorporated into the design.; In addition, the design of the power transmission components was completed. This included the power requirements for testing, drivetrain components, and selection of electric motor and controller for use. Finite element analysis of the facility's frame in static loading conditions was completed in Pro/Mechanica to determine response to operational loads.
Keywords/Search Tags:Conditions
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