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The source of the 'uniform-temperature layer' during water evaporation

Posted on:2006-11-24Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Oong, AlexanderFull Text:PDF
Thermocapillary convection had not been observed in water until the evaporation experiments conducted by Ward and Duan. Temperature discontinuities have been observed at the liquid-vapor interface during steady state water evaporation. Below the liquid-vapor interface, an uniform-temperature layer has been found. A hypothesis is introduced claiming that the uniform-temperature layer results from the thermocapillary convection and buoyancy. The hypothesis has been examined by comparing the liquid temperature profiles of two series of experiments. The uniform-temperature layer was observed when the thermocapillary convection and the buoyancy were both presented. Otherwise, the uniform temperature layer is not observed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Temperature, Layer, Water, Observed, Convection
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