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Power grid voltage integrity verification

Posted on:2006-09-13Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Nizam, MahaFull Text:PDF
Full-chip verification requires one to check if the power grid is safe, i.e., if the voltage drop on the grid does not exceed a certain threshold. The traditional simulation-based solution to this problem is computationally expensive, because of the large variety of possible circuit behaviors that would need to be simulated; it also has the disadvantage that it requires full knowledge of the details of the circuit attached to the grid, thereby precluding early verification of the grid. We propose a power grid verification technique that can be applied before the complete circuit has been designed and without exact knowledge of the circuit currents. We use current constraints, which are upper bound constraints on the currents that can be drawn from the grid, as a way to capture the uncertainty about the circuit details and activity. Based on this, we propose three solution approaches. One approach gives an upper-bound on the worst-case voltage drop at every node of the grid. Another, less expensive approach, applies a sufficient condition (thus, this becomes a conservative approach) to check if the drop on the grid exceeds a given voltage threshold. A third approach, which does not scale as well, finds the exact voltage drop on the grid, as well as the offending set of current waveforms that constitute the worst-case.
Keywords/Search Tags:Grid, Voltage, Verification
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