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Multi-point aerodynamic shape design

Posted on:2006-02-01Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Elias, SamyFull Text:PDF
This thesis examines several aspects of multi-point aerodynamic shape optimization in two dimensions, including testing of an automated weighting formula, automated introduction of design points, and three methods of imposing geometric constraints. A quasi-Newton algorithm is used, with a quadratic penalty approach for the constraints. A Newton-Krylov algorithm is used to solve the compressible Navier-Stokes equations; the same Krylov algorithm is used to solve the discrete adjoint problem to calculate the gradient. Several different multi-point problems with varying Mach number and target lift coefficients are examined to consider trade-offs in the solution and design point weighting. The automated weighting formula and automated design point addition successfully achieve optimization over a broad range of Mach numbers. The floating thickness and area constraints prove advantageous in providing more flexibility in the optimization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Multi-point, Optimization, Automated
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