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Three-dimensional kinetic simulations of whistler turbulence in solar wind on parallel supercomputers

Posted on:2014-07-11Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Chang, OuliangFull Text:PDF
The objective of this dissertation is to study the physics of whistler turbulence evolution and its role in energy transport and dissipation in the solar wind plasmas through computational and theoretical investigations. This dissertation presents the first fully three-dimensional (3D) particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of whistler turbulence forward cascade in a homogeneous, collisionless plasma with a uniform background magnetic field B o, and the first 3D PIC simulation of whistler turbulence with both forward and inverse cascades. Such computationally demanding research is made possible through the use of massively parallel, high performance electromagnetic PIC simulations on state-of-the-art supercomputers.;Simulations are carried out to study characteristic properties of whistler turbulence under variable solar wind fluctuation amplitude (epsilon e) and electron beta (betae), relative contributions to energy dissipation and electron heating in whistler turbulence from the quasilinear scenario and the intermittency scenario, and whistler turbulence preferential cascading direction and wavevector anisotropy.;The 3D simulations of whistler turbulence exhibit a forward cascade of fluctuations into broadband, anisotropic, turbulent spectrum at shorter wavelengths with wavevectors preferentially quasi-perpendicular to B o. The overall electron heating yields T ∥ > T⊥ for all epsilone and betae values, indicating the primary linear wave-particle interaction is Landau damping. But linear wave-particle interactions play a minor role in shaping the wavevector spectrum, whereas nonlinear wave-wave interactions are overall stronger and faster processes, and ultimately determine the wavevector anisotropy.;Simulated magnetic energy spectra as function of wavenumber show a spectral break to steeper slopes, which scales as k⊥lambda e ≃ 1 independent of betae values, where lambdae is electron inertial length, qualitatively similar to solar wind observations. Specific spectral indices from simulated wavevector energy spectra do not match the frequency spectral indices from observations due to the inapplicability of Taylor's hypothesis. In contrast, the direct comparison of simulated frequency energy spectra and solar wind observations shows a closer similarity. Electron density fluctuations power spectra also exhibit a close similarity to solar wind observations and MHD predications, both qualitatively and quantitatively.;Linear damping represents an intermediate fraction of the total dissipation of whistler turbulence over a wide range of betae and epsilone. The relative importance of linear damping by comparison to nonlinear dissipation increases with increasing beta e but decreases with increasing epsilone. Correlation coefficient calculations imply that the nonlinear dissipation processes in our simulation are primarily associated with dissipation in regions of intermittent current sheet structures. The simulation results suggest that whistler fluctuations could be the substantial constituent of solar wind turbulence at higher frequencies and short wavelengths, and support the magnetosonic-whistler interpretation of the quasilinear scenario.;An even larger scale 3D whistler turbulence simulation exhibits both a forward cascade to shorter wavelengths with wavevectors preferentially k⊥ > k∥, and an inverse cascade to longer wavelengths with wavevectors k ≳ k⊥. The inverse cascade process is primarily driven by the nonlinear wave-wave interaction. It is shown that the energy inverse cascade rate is similar to the energy forward cascade rate at early times although the overall energy in the two cascades is very different. The presence of inverse cascade process does not affect qualitative conclusions established from the whistler turbulence forward cascade simulations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Whistler turbulence, Solar wind, Simulations, Forward cascade, Energy, Wavelengths with wavevectors
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