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Ground motion selection for Boston, Massachusetts

Posted on:2007-07-28Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Tufts UniversityCandidate:Sorabella, SoniaFull Text:PDF
This thesis discusses the need for and selection of suites of ground motions for Boston, Massachusetts. Records of past earthquakes appropriate for Boston are scarce because it is located in a moderate seismic region and ground motions from more seismically active areas are not directly applicable.; For this project, we selected suites of motions simulated using the stochastic method and then selected records from a database of records from past earthquakes. All of the suites selected were then propagated through typical Boston soil profiles using a one-dimensional equivalent linear analysis to determine the effect of weak soil profiles on the accelerations.; We conclude that the distribution of the accelerations in the suites of selected motions should mimic that of the simulated motions. We found that as the number of records in the suite increased, the proper distribution was better achieved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Boston, Motions, Ground, Records, Suites
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