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Solid state home lighting systems: A brighter option for the developing world

Posted on:2007-04-11Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Peon Anaya, RodolfoFull Text:PDF
Two billion people, one third of humanity has no access to the electric grid. A vast majority rely on fuel-based lighting which is expensive, inefficient, brings health problems and impedes human development. This work as part of the Light Up The World (LUTW) Foundation's efforts to promote the use of solid state lighting (SSL) in non-electrified homes, offers a technical reference to help people around the world implement this technology. The performance analysis for different white light emitting diodes (WLEDs) presented in this document will assist designers to select the most reliable devices in the market. The driver circuit designs and the assessment of solar powered SSL systems will provide the reader with enough information for independent construction. Finally, the feasibility of replacing fuel-based lighting with SSL in low income non-electrified homes is demonstrated by addressing some of the most important environmental and socio-economic benefits that this change implies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lighting
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