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Reduction in fire resistance of steel beams caused by partial fire protection loss

Posted on:2007-09-23Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Kang, YuFull Text:PDF
Spray-on fire protection is used widely to improve the fire resistance of steel beams. As this protective coating may be damaged during the service life of the beams, it is essential that the effect of this damage on the fire resistance of a steel beam be understood. A numerical study has been conducted to investigate the reduction in the cross-section moment capacity of protected I-shape steel beams exposed to the ISO 834 standard fire curve due to the partial loss of spray-on protection. Hot-rolled I-shape steel beams according to CAN/CSA-G40.20/G40.21-98 specifications were used in this study.; The results of the study indicate that the cross-section moment capacity reduction due to partial protection loss strongly depends on the area of the protection damage. In addition, the reduction is also affected by other factors such as damage shape, damage location, depth of protection loss and weight of steel section.
Keywords/Search Tags:Steel, Protection, Fire resistance, Loss, Reduction, Partial, Damage
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