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The beauty of water: An exploration of the relationship between the experiential quality and the physical form of water

Posted on:2004-05-20Degree:M.L.AType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Guo, WuguangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2451390011455440Subject:Landscape architecture
As one of the primary elements in landscape architecture, water has been used for thousands of year. Past research on water has focused primarily on aspects of physical design and aesthetics. This research investigates the relationship between the experiential qualities and the physical forms of human-made water features, for the purpose of enhancing how water is designed in urban landscapes.; From literature on water, design, design principles and experiential theories, thirty-two variables were identified and five categories of water typologies were defined. An expert panel evaluated twenty-five photos to assess the degree to which each of these variables was represented.; The results of this research show relationships and significant correlations among water, design elements, design principles, and experiential theories. A relationships framework was developed for designers to identify which design elements and design principles contribute to different kinds of experiences, and which experiential theories are most closely associated with design elements and design principles. Significant correlations between design principles and experiential theories were evaluated and graphic depictions were developed accordingly. This study is a first step in understanding the relationship of design elements, design principles and experiential theories and their application in the design of water landscapes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Water, Experiential, Design principles, Elements, Relationship, Physical
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