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Simulation of gas reservoir production dynamics

Posted on:2004-01-16Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:DalTech - Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Atiya, MajidFull Text:PDF
The primary objective of a reservoir study is to predict future performance of a reservoir and find ways and means to optimize ultimate hydrocarbon recovery while minimizing operating costs. Estimation of recoverable reserves and the total reserves may be accomplished by using the geological information, core analyses, electric logs, etc. The hydrocarbon reserves can also be estimated by studying the pressure and volume behaviour of the reservoir using various mathematical models. As reservoir simulation is considered to be the most powerful predictive tool available to the reservoir engineer in which prototype reservoir models are developed by integrating detailed geological and geophysical data to characterize the reservoir. In this study effort has been made to learn and understand Eclipse simulator, which is fully implicit, and non-thermal simulator used for the reservoir management function.; The prototype simplified reservoir models developed are by integrating geological and petrophysical data available in the literature for deep panuke gas reservoir. Models developed are 3-D, Cartesian with grid blocks oriented with x-axis. The grid consists of 20 x 20 x 3 with equal block widths. These simplified models developed are for reservoir management function to study and predict the life of deep panuke gas reservoir offshore Nova Scotia, Canada.; The gas from Deep Panuke is very lean with relatively low levels of H 2S and minor amounts of CO2 different modules of the Eclipse simulator were used to study the phase behavior of the fluid system. Comprehensive reports are generated for the results and analyzed employing Eclipse 100.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reservoir
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