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Developpement d'une methode de simulation multi-echelle pour l'etude des grandes transformations dans les proteines

Posted on:2013-02-10Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Dupuis, LilianneFull Text:PDF
Proteins accomplish their function inside cells by means of conformational changes. Each protein class may be characterized by a specialized structure shared by its members with some variability. EF-hands proteins present a special motif which transforms itself while binding or unbinding the calcium ion. This structure allows Troponin C domains to open and close as it modulates the muscular fibers contraction. A similar mechanism allow Calmodulin to manage the activity of a diversity of protein channels.;Computational techniques may help discover how these transformations occur. The main project of this thesis was the development of a multi-scale computational method for the simulation of complex motions inside a protein. The multi-scale approach is designed to adapt and change all along the simulation. The method, holographic ART, explore conformational space by generating swiveling and rotation of atomic ensembles, leaded by non biased atomistic forcefields. This determines at each step the overall motion, keeping a complete spatial representation, but with minimal local fluctuations computation.;The multi-scale representation is combined with a unbiased open ended algorithm for identifying transitions states, ART nouveau, which guides the molecular trajectory from state to state. Applied to several proteins, the method was able to generate transformation trajectories between distant conformations known from NMR and crystallography techniques.;The use of a complete spatial representation throughout the simulation allows the method to capture atomistic details of each event. The purpose, the intervention order, as well as cooperativity between some residues and sub-structures involved in the EF-hand pair mechanism have been explored more in detail and an intermediate state is proposed.;Keywords: simulation, multi-scale, protein, cooperativity, transition, ensemble motions, activation relaxation technique...
Keywords/Search Tags:Protein, Simulation, Method, Multi-scale
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