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A New Approach to Estimate Monthly Groundwater Nitrate Loading from an Individual Agricultural Field

Posted on:2013-08-16Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Malekani, FarzinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2451390008972579Subject:Hydrologic sciences
The magnitude and timing of nitrate export from a single agricultural field was investigated using an approach that combined detailed vertical groundwater nitrate concentration profiles with Darcy's flux estimation at the down-gradient edge of the field. Groundwater was sampled approximately monthly using passive diffusion samplers. Darcy groundwater fluxes were estimated using field-measured hydraulic gradients and lab-estimated hydraulic conductivity. Nitrate exported from the agricultural field over the year-long monitoring period was estimated to be 71 kg N ha-1, while the chloride mass flux estimate was 49 kg Cl ha-1. The similarity in field applied chloride (51 kg Cl ha-1) and estimated export suggests the mass flux estimation approach is robust. The highest monthly mass flux was observed in February and March (approximately 9 kg N ha-1) and was associated with leaching from the soil zone with the onset fall precipitation after the growing season.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nitrate, Field, Approach, Agricultural, Groundwater, Monthly, Ha-1
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