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Magnetic Pulse Welding numerical study

Posted on:2013-11-29Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi (Canada)Candidate:Guglielmetti, AuroreFull Text:PDF
This thesis deals with numerical simulation of magnetic pulse welding. The goal is to be able to predict if welding will occur or not. In a first part, one gains knowledge with the process and a state of art is presented. Explosive welding is used for comparison to bring out the welding criteria while numerical study on magnetic pulse forming gives a first approach of modeling with a sequential coupling. The second section deals with electromagnetic modeling with ANSYS. This simulation starts with an imposed current in a coil and ends with the computation of the Lorentz force that will propel the exterior tube on the interior one. Both tubes are collinearly put in the coil. The developed model is validated and a sensibility study of the material and device is made. In a third part, the mechanical model is developed with ABAQUS/Explicit and the various opportunities and numerous difficulties presented. A tool for simulation of the forming with sequential coupling and a tool for simulation of the welding with sequentiallo-weak coupling is proposed. Finally, in the last part, the numerical tool is used to optimize test. Analysis is done by 3 criteria : impact speed, collision speed and collision angle. First, the trend of the parameters influence is examined. Then, an imaginary concreted example is used and an optimization method for the parameters used by the user is put in place in order to obtain the best welding cord.;Keywords welding - magnetic pulse - numerical - magnetism - mechanical - coupling - optimization - sequential.
Keywords/Search Tags:Magnetic pulse, Welding, Numerical, Simulation, Coupling
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