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The Fabric of Friendship: An Observational Study of Saori Weaving

Posted on:2013-08-20Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Sarah Lawrence CollegeCandidate:Marigliano, Michelle LFull Text:PDF
This thesis documents how the experience of making art through the process of Saori weaving provided opportunities to facilitate human connectedness, as well as healthy and just relationships among children of diverse abilities. The importance of this thesis relates directly to the belief that society has an ethical imperative to create inclusive experiences among individuals of all abilities. To capture the social, emotional and creative activities of participants, qualitative research methods were used, including observations, parent surveys, and participant interviews. The research was supported by psychological theories of interpersonal relationships, the artistic experience, including art education and art therapy, and the foundation and practice of Saori weaving.
Keywords/Search Tags:Saori, Art
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