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Two dimensional layered materials: First-principle investigation

Posted on:2017-06-12Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:The Pennsylvania State UniversityCandidate:Tang, YoujianFull Text:PDF
Two-dimensional layered materials have emerged as a fascinating research area due to their unique physical and chemical properties, which differ from those of their bulk counterparts. Some of these unique properties are due to carriers and transport being confined to 2 dimensions, some are due to lattice symmetry, and some arise from their large surface area, gateability, stackability, high mobility, spin transport, or optical accessibility. How to modify the electronic and magnetic properties of two-dimensional layered materials for desirable long-term applications or fundamental physics is the main focus of this thesis. We explored the methods of adsorption, intercalation, and doping as ways to modify two-dimensional layered materials, using density functional theory as the main computational methodology.;Chapter 1 gives a brief review of density functional theory. Due to the difficulty of solving the many-particle Schrodinger equation, density functional theory was developed to find the ground-state properties of many-electron systems through an examination of their charge density, rather than their wavefunction. This method has great application throughout the chemical and material sciences, such as modeling nano-scale systems, analyzing electronic, mechanical, thermal, optical and magnetic properties, and predicting reaction mechanisms.;Graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides are arguably the two most important two-dimensional layered materials in terms of the scope and interest of their physical properties. Thus they are the main focus of this thesis. In chapter 2, the structure and electronic properties of graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides are described. Alkali adsorption onto the surface of bulk graphite and metal intecalation into transition metal dichalcogenides -- two methods of modifying properties through the introduction of metallic atoms into layered systems -- are described in chapter 2.;Chapter 3 presents a new method of tuning the electronic properties of 2D materials: resonant physisorption. An example is given for adsorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules onto graphene. The energy levels of these molecules were fine tuned to make them resonate with the graphene Fermi level, thus enhancing the strength of their effect on the graphene electronic structure.;Chapter 4 develops the idea of coupling two distinct surface adsorption systems across a suspended atomically thin membrane. We examine a system of dual-sided adsorption of potassium onto a graphene membrane. The sequence of adsorption patterns predicted undergoes a striking devil's staircase of intermediate coverage fractions as the difference in adsorbate chemical potential between the two sides of the membrane varies.;Chapter 5 is devoted to magnetic and band structure engineering of transition metal dichalcogenides through introduction of magnetic atoms into the lattice. Semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenide systems such as MoS2 and WS2 have band gaps suitable for electronic and optoelectronic applications, but are not magnetic. By intercalating and doping in a carefully designed stoichiometric ratio that precisely controls the occupation and relative placement of the dopant and host levels, we can convert a semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenide system into a half-metal or -- more surprisingly -- a half-semiconductor, where the conduction band is fully spin polarized and the energy scale for magnetism is the band gap.
Keywords/Search Tags:Layered materials, Transition metal dichalcogenides, Density functional theory, Band, Due
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