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Application of ICOS to trace gas detection of atmospheric pollutants and to the study of hydrogen sulfide

Posted on:2006-01-22Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of New Brunswick (Canada)Candidate:Seabrook, Jeff AdamsFull Text:PDF
This thesis presents the details concerning the construction, operation of, and theory behind a spectroscopic technique known as Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy. ICOS is an ultrasensitive, inexpensive and easy to use method of selective trace gas detection that has the capability to be of benefit to both industry and the scientific community.; The detection of trace atmospheric gasses such as CO2, CO, H2S and H2O, at part per million by volume (ppmv) concentrations has been demonstrated using the integrated cavity output spectrometer with a near infrared diode laser operating in the 1.57 mum region.; In addition to the uses as a trace gas detection system the ICOS technique can be used as an extremely sensitive spectroscopic tool. To this end, an effort was undertaken to further characterize the properties of H2S by investigating the vibrational energy levels of an extremely weak (012) overtone band in the near infrared.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trace gas detection, ICOS
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