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Integrating 14649 STEP-NC protocols with Web-based remote storage and retrieval utilizing XML, ASP.NET, and Oracle database architecture

Posted on:2006-05-22Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Southern Illinois University at CarbondaleCandidate:Jeong, ChulSungFull Text:PDF
This thesis focuses on the efficient use of Standard for the Exchange of Product Model data in Numerical Control (STEP NC) information flow between Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) controller utilizing XML, an ASP.NET server, and an Oracle 9i database. This paper suggests a solution to overcome the structural problems (the use of G/M codes unsuitable for complicated and delicate part, programs, the difficulty of converting STEP data to the XML format, the passive utilization of STEP information flow for a milling operation over a computer network) in production line performing milling, turning, and drilling operations.
Keywords/Search Tags:STEP, XML
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