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Preferences for wetlands management in southern California

Posted on:2012-10-18Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Rhode IslandCandidate:White, Brittany MarieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2451390008491317Subject:Business Administration
Three wetland sites in southern California provided opportunities to survey the public, to better understand preference for protecting wetlands and coastal infrastructures, while considering sea-level rise. Results from 240 surveys suggested the public would support extending nature reserve boundaries (86% of respondents) and the purchase of private lands near wetlands (80% of respondents) to allow for possible wetlands migration and extension in future years. Highly educated respondents conveyed protecting wetlands was more important than stabilizing private homes from sea-level rise. My sampled population comprised of mostly respondents over the age of 50, and these respondents consistently provided the strongest opinions against coastal development. Respondents supported a general wetlands-protection policy, and even proactive management mechanisms, however gender responses were different with males less likely to relocate their personal home (37%) to support a wetlands policy when compared to females (51%). Quantifying public values and attitudes is useful for informing development of measures to counter the expected sea-level rise.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wetlands, Sea-level rise, Public
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