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Penetration of the free surface by liquid jets in microgravity

Posted on:2005-01-16Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Case Western Reserve UniversityCandidate:Chato, David JosephFull Text:PDF
This thesis presents a new computational model of the interaction between surface tension and jets emerging from the bulk liquid in microgravity. The model is compared to established models of liquid in liquid jet flow and then tested against drop tower test data. Results are found to be comparable in accuracy to prior work but able to study a much broader range of cases. Agreement is best for when the jet flow is laminar. Agreement can be achieved for turbulent jet flow as well but is a strong function of the turbulence model selected. Based on the success of the drop tower comparison a series of parametric investigations were conducted to study the effects of contact angle, tank size, and surface tension. Results showed a small but noticeable effect of contact angle, some significant effect of tank size due volumetric changes, and surface tension changes indicating a lower stability limit without the jet spreading caused by turbulence. Overall the model has led to a greater understanding of the processes involved in Penetration of the Free Surface by Liquid Jets In Microgravity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Surface, Liquid, Jet, Model
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