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Microstructures and their relationship to nanomechanical behavior of electronic packaging materials

Posted on:2013-12-21Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:State University of New York at BinghamtonCandidate:Maganty, SurajFull Text:PDF
There is a need for characterizing the microstructures of materials used in electronics packaging in conjunction with mechanical behavior. In this study, five distinct material systems, including---solders, interconnect materials, polymer coatings, and an interfacial solder joint have all been analyzed in an attempt to relate their properties to their performance. High melting point lead based solder alloys, aluminum wire-bond pads, copper coated silicon wafers, conformal polymeric coatings and a lid-solder joint of an electronic package were all analyzed using imaging techniques like optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and analytical techniques like energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). In addition, mechanical behavior was characterized using depth-sensing nanoindentation techniques. In-situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) was utilized to pinpoint phases and features in each material and perform targeted indentions on the nano-micro scale. Quasi-static and dynamic testing modes of nanoindentation were used accordingly to give optimum results in each case.
Keywords/Search Tags:Behavior
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