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Process optimization of bimodal polymer emulsion

Posted on:2005-11-22Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:University of LouisvilleCandidate:Nichols, Linda MFull Text:PDF
ne of the key goals of this research project was to optimize the emulsion manufacturing process of one of the key products (PRODUCT A) at the Rohm and Haas Company Louisville Production Plant. This was to be completed by determining the engineering and chemistry Critical Reaction Parameters (CRPs).;The resulting recommendations are to control the initial water charge more accurately, install new flow meters for additions to the reactor, and to also install new load cells on various support tanks. A new method of calculating temperature at start of feeds was evaluated, but the new and old method differed by only 2% solids. The most important recommendation from this study was to increase the % solids for PRODUCT A to at least 6% above the baseline through a series of single percent solids scale-ups. The solids increase represents an opportunity for Rohm and Haas to save...
Keywords/Search Tags:Solids
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