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A study of algal biofouling on pearl nets in Charles Arm, Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland

Posted on:2005-05-13Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada)Candidate:Mouland, Derek JFull Text:PDF
This study examined the development of biofouling on pearl nets used for culture of the sea-scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) in Charles Arm, Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland over a two year period, May 1998 until July 2000. The site showed salinities of approximately 30 ISU and surface seasonal temperature fluctuation between -1.5C and 20C. The greatest part of the fouling biomass consisted of macroalgae: Chlorophyta (10 species), Phaeophyta (24 species), Rhodophyta (19 species), together with Cyanobacteria (33 species) and two species of tube dwelling diatoms. All the species recorded were common members of the local benthic flora. Fouling biomass was measured on nets placed at two, and four metre depths. Rapid colonization occurred with growth initially faster at the shallow depth, but after the first year biomass stabilized at approximately 1 kg per net wet weight, with no significant differences between depths. The fouling community was analyzed using two multivariate techniques, Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DECORANA) and Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN). The first year's growth showed considerable floristic changes as the algal fouling developed, with samples from the latter part of the year showing considerable differences from the late spring and early summer. After one years growth few floristic changes were noted. There was no obvious difference in the algal communities between the two depths.; Two algal grazers, the periwinkle, Littorina littorea and the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis were investigated as potential biofouling control organisms. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Fouling, Nets, Algal
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