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Une plateforme de mesure de caracteristiques electroniques pour les nanostructures (French text)

Posted on:2006-05-13Degree:M.Sc.AType:Thesis
University:Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Duval, OlivierFull Text:PDF
This project aims at the reduction of the gap separating the microelectronic to nanotechnology worlds. The fabrication of a microelectronic platform for the measurement of electronic characteristics in nanostructures answers to this objective in two distinct ways.; First, linking nanostructures under test to a platform is not a simple task. Most nanooelectronic fabrication methods currently used are not compatible with the creation of microelectronic devices. We have designed and built this test platform to permit the inclusion of nanostructures on electrodes built on the top layer of the circuit. Secondly, by measuring electronic characteristics for a given nanostructure, we used these measurements to complete electronic models describing their behaviour.; For this project, we have designed and built a test platform using the TSMC CMOS 180nm technology. This platform did not work as predicted because of problems in the design of its high-level architecture. Nonetheless, we used prior experimental nanostructure measurements in order to create a model for a carbon nanotube based transistor.; The research results for this thesis are part of a project that spans over a long period of time. We can only hope that our successors will use the results of this research to create a useful nanodevice, which is very difficult for now.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nanostructures
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