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Violet Oakley, mural painter: Rethinking women artists and masculine genres

Posted on:2006-08-09Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:San Jose State UniversityCandidate:Palm, Regina MeganFull Text:PDF
GTID:2451390005994892Subject:Art history
This thesis addresses the life and work of Violet Oakley (1874-1961), a leading artist in the American Renaissance who achieved national recognition in the early years of the twentieth century. It examines how and why, in a society divided by gender with a woman's "proper place" clearly defined, Violet Oakley was able to overcome long-held prejudices and become a phenomenally successful muralist.; The position put forth proposes that Violet Oakley's accomplishments were not solely the consequence of talent and determination, but also the result of deeply held beliefs and lifestyle choices. Through these choices, Violet Oakley was able to maintain social acceptability and Victorian propriety, while thriving as an artist in an era when many aspiring professional women were hindered by established conventions restricting their options.
Keywords/Search Tags:Violet oakley
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