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Analysis of a recombinant monoclonal antibody by molecular sieving capillary electrophoresis

Posted on:2007-10-16Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Hood CollegeCandidate:Caesar, Kwadwo OFull Text:PDF
The rising interest in the use of mAb therapeutics against human diseases has led to the development of more sophisticated analytical methods to detect and quantitate size variants. Although SDS-CE using gel or non-gel based polymer matrices for size-based separation of SDS-protein complexes has the potential to replace SDS-PAGE due to its numerous advantages, more extensive application data is needed. This study investigated the utility of non-gel polymer solutions of PEG, PEO and dextran as matrices for the separation of SDS-mAb complexes in a size-dependent manner in fused-silica capillaries. The 5-10% PEG and 3% PEO solutions unsuitable for use as separation matrices in bare-fused silica capillaries worked well in the neutral fused silica capillary. The 7.5 and 10% dextran solutions were suitable for use as separation matrices in both bare and neutral fused silica capillaries. The separations on the neutral fused silica capillary proved superior to corresponding separations performed on the bare-fused silica capillary.
Keywords/Search Tags:Capillary, Neutral fused silica, Separation
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