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Macroinvertebrates as bioindicators of water quality in wetlands of the Cache river watershed, AR

Posted on:2014-11-25Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Arkansas State UniversityCandidate:Cobb, JenniferFull Text:PDF
GTID:2451390005986569Subject:Environmental Sciences
Benthic macroinvertebrate (BMI) assemblages are useful indicators of water and habitat quality, but BMI bioindicators are not well developed in wetlands, particularly in the Delta region. BMI and water quality samples were collected from 24 connected depression wetlands in the Cache River Watershed during May 2012--July 2012 to develop BMI bioindicators. Water quality parameters were averaged from three collections in May, June, and July 2012. BMI samples were taken from living and nonliving substrates at each site in June 2012, and BMI substrate use was compared. A multimetric index was developed, which was significantly related to DO, TP, and NO2--N (R--sq Adj. = 57.5%, P<0.001). However, metric development in this situation seemed limited by the effect of altered hydroperiods on DO levels. The index developed in this study could be used as a foundation for developing BMI wetland quality metrics and for developing additional biological indices of wetland water quality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quality, Water, BMI, Bioindicators, Wetlands
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