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Cultivating Young Collectors: Engaging the Next Generation of Art Patrons

Posted on:2014-03-18Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Sotheby's Institute of Art - New YorkCandidate:McClure, RyanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2451390005986550Subject:Arts management
The art market has grown steadily and quickly over the last decade. This growth has created a new global consumer that is changing the taste and infrastructure of the current market. This new art consumer has emerged as a lucrative prospect for the art business. As many of the world's top collectors are aging and nearing retirement as collectors, the art market must begin to actively seek out a new breed of young fine art consumers to replace them. Through an examination of the history of marketing to collectors, we will uncover the ways in which dealers used marketing in their businesses to generate clients in the past. This thesis will uncover Generation Y's unique characteristics as a consumer in an effort to determine best marketing practices to engage them in the evolving art community. An analysis of the current marketing campaigns used by galleries, museums, and auction houses will help us determine the most effective methods used to cultivate young collectors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Art, Collectors
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