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Needs assessment for promoting livestock and equine safety for Dine youth

Posted on:2014-10-06Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Utah State UniversityCandidate:Shumway, KarahFull Text:PDF
The purpose of the research was a formative assessment of Dine (Navajo) parents and community leaders' needs for a training program for the prevention of livestock injuries including those that are horse-related. The research objectives were to identify parents' perceived livestock and horse related injury risks to Dine children and describe Dine community stake holder input on prevention interventions for reducing injury risks to children associated with livestock and horse-related activities on the farm or ranch. The assessment utilized a survey constructed of closed and open-ended questions to gauge Dine farmers' and ranchers' perceptions of injury risks to children who live or work on an agricultural operation. Additional questions were asked to gauge Dine acceptance of an online training program as a prevention intervention to reduce livestock and horse-related injuries to children. A total of 96 individuals agreed to participate in the survey and provided usable responses. A total of 53% of participants were female. There were 58 individuals who perceived that a youth who worked with intact male livestock was at a high risk for injury. A total of 25 individuals perceived that a youth who rides a horse without an equestrian riding helmet was at a high risk for injury. There were 48 individuals who strongly agreed that they would utilize an interactive internet resource to promote agricultural safety for Dine youth. There were 22 individuals who strongly agreed that they would utilize internet social networks to promote agricultural safety and health for Dine youth. This project may serve as a model of collaboration to help researchers address the agricultural safety needs of other vulnerable populations. When participants were asked if there were safety issues associated with having youth working on the farm or ranch, a very large portion felt that the biggest issue was a lack of education and instruction from their elders.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dine, Needs, Livestock, Assessment, Safety, Youth
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