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Microscopie non-lineaire pour l'imagerie des cordes vocales

Posted on:2014-04-07Degree:M.Sc.AType:Thesis
University:Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Deterre, RomainFull Text:PDF
GTID:2451390005493367Subject:Health Sciences
The vocal cords are two folds of epithelial tissues located in the larynx and are involved in production of the human voice. Despite their apparent simplicity, their internal structure is complex. Each fold can be divided into several layers with different mechanical properties. The gold standard for studying their structure – histology – has the inconvenience of being very invasive.;Non-linear microscopy is an optical imaging technique which allows images to be taken in depth within samples in a non invasive manner. It also offers intrinsic contrasts, allowing the identification of certain fibrous proteins – elastin and collagen – which are responsible for the mechanical properties of epithelious tissues.;The main goal of this research project was to assess nonlinear microscopy's performances for vocal fold imaging. The study has been broken down in two separate tasks. The first one was to evaluate the nonlinear modalities contrast against histology. For that purpose, we chose to first take images of thin samples and compare them to the corresponding histological slides. The second task was to make tests to transcribe the results obtained to in vivo imaging.;A custom-built nonlinear imaging system was used for these experiments. It was developed to allow acquisition of wide-field images. A C++ based software was developped to control the microscope and allow treatment and visualization of the images. After being built, the system was further tested to check its performances in comparison with the theoretical limit as described in the literature.;Thin slices of vocal folds were obtained from the team of Pr Christopher J. Hartnick from Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School. Specialists from his team analysed the histological samples to extract structural data from the vocal folds. A good correlation was measured between histological and nonlinear data.;A first step in evaluating the possibility for translating these results towards in vivo imaging was performed during this project. A swine's larynx was obtained, and vocal folds were extracted for imaging purposes. This experiment showed that it is indeed possible to localize various macrostructures of the tissues with nonlinear microscopy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vocal, Imaging, Tissues, Nonlinear, Folds
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