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Reservoir characterization (modeling and simulation) using outcrop, geological and petrophysical data

Posted on:2006-08-14Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Akram, FarrukhFull Text:PDF
Expensive deepwater field developments give tremendous significance to reservoir characterization. An integrated model can analyze the pressure interactions within the reservoir or with reservoirs having different fluid compositions. To perform such detailed studies, an integrated solution is required. That solution should balance a surface network model using a reservoir simulation model; couple such models, production networks, injection systems, and their advancement through time. This all can be performed efficiently using a robust and multifunctional reservoir simulator.; Well logs, seismic etc., combined with the sophisticated simulation tools now available to a reservoir engineer allow reservoir structure to be investigated in much greater detail than previously. Reservoir characterization and modeling have a critical impact on the development and optimization of any field. Reservoir simulation is considered to be the most powerful predictive tool available to a reservoir engineer. A prototype reservoir model can be developed by integrating detailed geological (wireline logs, stratigraphic and seismic) data to characterize the reservoir.; Using high resolution outcrop data of Stollmeyer's oil sand Quarry, an exhumed oil field in western Trinidad, as the database combined with petrophysical and rock property data taken from earlier simulation runs completed on the analogous offshore Soldado field in Trinidad, a reservoir model has been created. The oil sand quarry represents an exhumed oil field with an OOIP of nearly 1 million barrels. Hydrocarbon biodegradation occurred with inversion and uplift of the fault blocks. This study is used to evaluate the importance of specific reservoir characteristics in subsurface 3D modeling. This was achieved through integration of high resolution stratigraphic and depositional environment data to construct a fine-scale geological model of the reservoir, followed by upscaling the fine-scale model to a coarse grid simulation model. Care must be taken to create simulation models that are not only geologically realistic but also predicts proper fluid behavior. The reservoir model has been developed using the software Petrel (for 3D modeling) and a simulation study has been done on the same reservoir using ECLIPSE (reservoir engineering software) developed by Schlumberger Information Solutions.; Further petrophysical properties from the Quarry would have resulted in the model being more robust and giving reserve estimates more accurately. The results of this model can be applied to analogous subsurface reservoirs e.g., Soldado, Trinidad: Cold Lake, Alberta; and Sable offshore Nova Scotia, (Wach and Vincent, 2005).; In order to meet future demands, geologists, geophysicists, and petroleum engineers each have a responsibility both jointly and independently to develop new tools, techniques and innovations to save time, money and effectively manage and exploit resources. This project is an attempt to integrate all the above stated fields of work and develop a new, improved and efficient method for accurate evaluation of potential reservoirs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reservoir, Model, Simulation, Field, Using, Data, Geological, Petrophysical
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