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Efficient Generation of Sequences of Dense Linear Algebra through Auto-Tuning

Posted on:2013-02-27Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Colorado at BoulderCandidate:Belter, Geoffrey DFull Text:PDF
It is rare for a programmer to solve a numerical problem with a single library call; most problems require a sequence of calls. In the case of linear algebra, programmers will chain a series of Basic Linear Algebra Subprogram (BLAS) library calls to achieve the desired result. When a sequence of BLAS calls is memory bound, a great deal of performance is missed because optimization has not occurred between library routines. It is not practical to create a library with every required sequence of linear algebra operations, but at the same time it is difficult for programmers to write their own high performance implementation. One solution is for programmers to use an auto-tuning tool capable of optimizing the sequence of operations that exactly suits their need. This thesis presents a matrix representation and type system that describes basic linear algebra operations, the loops required to implement those operations, and the legality of key optimizations. This is demonstrated in an auto-tuning tool which generates loops and performs data parallelism and loop fusion. Results show that this approach can match or exceed performance of vendor tuned BLAS libraries, general purpose optimizing compilers, and hand written code. Further, this approach is shown to be both portable and work with a range of dense matrix storage formats. All of this is achieved with search times in the range of several minutes to a few hours.
Keywords/Search Tags:Linear algebra, Sequence, Library
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