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Classical and quantum convolutional codes: Design and implementation

Posted on:2006-08-22Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of MinnesotaCandidate:Kong, Jun JinFull Text:PDF
This thesis is devoted to the design of classical and quantum convolutional code and implementation of their encoders and decoders. It includes a low-latency high-throughput rate Viterbi decoder, an area efficient interleaved Viterbi decoder, interleaved cyclic redundancy check (CRC) codes, and quantum convolutional code (QCC) design.; To reduce the decoding latency of high-throughput rate Viterbi decoders, a novel look-ahead method and its corresponding architecture have been proposed. The latency of the proposed method increases logarithmically with respect to M/K, where M is the look-ahead step and K is the encoder constraint length of convolutional codes, as opposed to linearly with respect to M as in prior work.; For decoding an interleaved convolutional code, we propose an area efficient interleaved Viterbi decoder architecture that is obtained by replacing each delay element with I delays, where I is the interleaving degree, in state metrics memory and survivor path memory.; As an interleaved coding scheme, interleaved cyclic redundancy check (CRC) codes with their corresponding generator/checker architectures have been investigated with their applications.; This thesis investigates quantum convolutional code design methods and corresponding encoder architectures from known classical convolutional codes: a rate ≥1/3 and a rate-1/2 QCC can be constructed from rate ≥1/2 classical nonsystematic and rate-1/2 classical systematic convolutional codes, respectively. It also shows that the performance of proposed quantum convolutional codes are at least the same as the performance of original classical convolutional codes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quantum convolutional, Classical
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