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Enhancing and facilitating leadership development

Posted on:2009-03-02Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Ross, LorieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2449390005953066Subject:Health Sciences
This study explored how Vancouver Community Mental Health Services (VCMHS) could support leaders in order to enhance and facilitate their leadership development. This question was examined in light of the organization embarking on a paradigm shift in service delivery, from a predominantly medical model of care to a recovery-oriented system of care. A strong, committed and collaborative leadership group is required to provide guidance and support to follow this through. Feedback from leaders regarding leadership development initiatives or supports that would be of benefit was sought. Qualitative action research was used in this study, with interviews and a large group conversation called a World Cafe used as data gathering methods. Data gathered from these methodologies highlighted competencies required by leaders in a community mental healthcare system and discussed strategies that would enhance and facilitate leadership growth and development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Leaders, Development
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