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An urban identity movement rooted in the sustainability of place: A case study of Slow Cities and their application in rural Manitoba

Posted on:2007-11-22Degree:M.C.PType:Thesis
University:University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Radstrom, Susan JFull Text:PDF
Globally, population migration has favoured larger urban areas. Therefore, smaller cities and towns have been left to struggle towards a sustainable future. The purpose of this practicum is to study the role of place-sustaining as applied to the identity of particular urban contexts. The case study method has been used to study the Slow Cities, a movement which works to implement place-sustaining measures in an identity-specific framework. In-depth interviews were conducted in three of the original Slow Cities, located in Italy. Additionally, possible areas of application of Slow Cities to Manitoba have been examined through the format of in-depth interviews.;The research findings provide descriptions and analysis of the Slow Cities movement, as well as cultural and location-specific reasons for its philosophies and growth. Application to Manitoba is possible. However, challenges stemming from the important cultural factors of each location were identified in the research. This practicum provides insight into a largely undocumented urban movement, and inspiration towards the implementation of planning strategies which favour identity and place-sustaining solutions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban, Cities, Movement, Identity, Application
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