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Inuit knowledge and adaptations to sea ice change in the Belcher Islands, Nunavut

Posted on:2010-09-17Degree:M.N.R.MType:Thesis
University:University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Imrie, Devin DFull Text:PDF
Reduction in the thickness, extent, and duration of sea ice has become reality for Inuit in the community of Sanikiluaq, Nunavut. Residents believe the combined effects of climate change and hydro-electric development in the Hudson Bay watershed are driving the changes, which present challenges for Inuit choosing to continue subsistence based livelihoods.;Using semi-directive interviews and extensive participant observation, this thesis documents the observations and insights of hunters and elders from Sanikiluaq on sea ice change. A discussion of coping mechanisms and adaptations that are being emerging in the community to address profound change follows. The limitations and barriers to effective adaptation within the community are explored in order to provide recommendations for local and government initiatives to mitigate the impacts of sea ice change. In addition, this research complements and provides recommendations to ongoing community-based monitoring of sea ice by ArcticNet scientists and the community of Sanikiluaq.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sea ice, Community
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