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Concept of operations for a transportation management center in the Mayaguez Metropolitan Area

Posted on:2011-12-17Degree:M.EType:Thesis
University:University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Puerto Rico)Candidate:Balbuena Merle, Juan MFull Text:PDF
In the process of planning an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) project for the Mayaguez Metropolitan Area, several supporting documents must be developed. The first document is the ITS Architecture that was preliminary developed on May 2009 and the next document is the Concept of Operations (ConOps). They are formal documents, developed considering the requirements of Systems Engineering. The ConOps is used to make a plan of how the ITS project would work and to define all the components of the system that are needed for its implementation. The needs to establish the ITS were identified on previous studies. ITS will help to manage the limited capacity available in the urban road network and optimize their operation. The ConOps shows with more details how the systems will work, and the stakeholders that would support it. Several operational scenarios demonstrate how the ITS projects would respond under varying operational circumstances.
Keywords/Search Tags:ITS
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