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A Comprehensive Branding Strategy for the Vignelli Center for Design Studie

Posted on:2018-05-02Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:Rochester Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Xu, HuiFull Text:PDF
This project presents solutions for Vignelli Center for Design Studies that address the question about the ineffective use of digital resources and lack of communications with users though the website. The results provide design solutions for both web and mobile users, aiming to improve the user experience and creatre an lasting impression on the audience.;This project creates a comprehensive branding strategy that enables the Vignelli Center to expand its reach and build a powerful connection to both existing and future audience. It also builds a consistent brand system across different platforms. Furthermore, this project demonstrates the importance of utilizing new information techniques and user-centered methodology for Vignelli Center to improve resources and allow for better access for the users. The final outcomes include designing a responsive website and mobile application for the Vignelli Center for Design Studies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vignelli center for design, Comprehensive branding strategy
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