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Developing management and leadership competencies at the Information and Communications Technology Council

Posted on:2011-01-08Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:McDevitt, NormanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2449390002468174Subject:Business Administration
This research study explored how the Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) could create a sustainable system of management and leadership competency development. The data were gathered though an action research approach using a survey and focus group. Survey respondents consisted of ICTC board and steering committee members, sector council representatives, funding groups, and ICTC staff. Focus group participants were ICTC project managers and coordinators. The findings indicate that leadership competencies for project managers extend to domain and organizational areas, significant learning occurs as a result of self-initiated activities, coaching and mentoring are realistic development strategies, and ICTC's learning culture is strongly influenced by senior management. The recommendations focus on strategies to support self-initiated learning; promote team learning; develop coaching and mentoring opportunities; engage the project managers in strategic planning; communicate the organization's goals, vision, and values; and use the existing competency framework effectively for development purposes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Management, ICTC, Leadership
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