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Integrating concurrency control and proxy execution support and provide a framework for deterministic concurrency testing under the KURT-Linux group scheduling model

Posted on:2007-10-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Aswathanarayana, TejasviFull Text:PDF
GTID:2448390005963390Subject:Computer Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The unified scheduling model provides a scheduling framework that is completely flexible, easily configurable and allows accurate control of all computational components. However, concurrency control which always often influences scheduling decisions by causing scheduling conflicts is not considered a system design criterion under current solutions. Therefore, a configurable solution that allows concurrency control to be integrated with the scheduling model is required. The unified scheduling model with the integration of concurrency control provides a scheduler framework that can be used to explicitly identify proxy relationships when scheduling conflicts due to concurrency control happen.; Conventional concurrency testing involves repeated execution of the program and running them for long periods of time. Low probability scenarios may not manifest themselves with brute-force testing and such methods of testing might not provide the intended coverage. Thus the stress methods of testing may not provide the intended coverage. Therefore, a deterministic concurrency testing framework which helps avoid brute-force techniques by making the minimum coverage set of tests easily possible is required. The unified scheduling model integrated with concurrency control makes this possible with complete precision because the configurable group scheduling hierarchy lets us explicitly state the relationship between the computations under control.
Keywords/Search Tags:Scheduling, Concurrency control, Framework, Provide, Configurable
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